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My Offerings

All offerings address multidimentional you supporting you on your healing and self realization journey.

45 Minute Healing Session

 This is my most popular offering, where I connect with Divine, serving as a sacred facilitator, allowing Divine healing energy to flow and alchemize, that which is ready to be healed and alchemized within your being and within your experience. 

House Cleansing

This offering clears and transmutes the denser energies present in your home, office, and/or land, so you have peace of mind.

60 Minute Reading

This is a 60 minute intuitive reading, in which, I connect with your higher self and spirit team to answer your questions in detail. Your reading will be delivered to your email inbox as an MP3 audio recording based on the names and/or photographs provided. It is best to provide your legal name, as it allows me to receive the most accurate information. 

90 Minute Healing Session

An offering that allows you to dive even deeper into you. I connect with Divine, serving as a sacred facilitator, allowing Divine healing energy to flow and alchemize, that which is ready to be healed and alchemized within your being and within your experience. 

Pet Healing

This offering helps your furry family to clear and reset their energy. It is great for both preventative care and healing support for other physical, mental, and emotional imbalances as well. This offering is only available virtually. 

30 Minute Reading

This is a 60 minute intuitive reading, in which, I connect with your higher self and spirit team to answer your questions in detail. Your reading will be delivered to your email inbox as an MP3 audio recording based on the names and/or photographs provided. It is best to provide your legal name, as it allows me to receive the most accurate information. 

What People are saying...


Stephanie Thompson

“This was a really profound experience for me, in ways that I'm still processing. I've since purchased sessions for my mom and for my best friend.”
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