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Intuitive Guidance

Intuition is a something everyone has. We have all at some point, experienced that feeling of just knowing something, or of having a "gut feeling" about something, and we either follow it, or get caught up in our heads about it, and don't. The intuitive guidance I provide offer clarity, insight, and perspective on whatever you are seeking clarification on. I often find that Spirit may plant some seeds, that help you navigate your life's experience with more grace and ease. 

Image by lilartsy

All readings are delivered to your email inbox 2 - 4 days after your purchase, as an MP3 audio recording based on the names, and/or photographs, and questions provided. It is best to provide your legal name, as it allows me to receive the most accurate information. Once you have received your reading it is best to download it within 30 days from your date of purchase. After 30 days all readings are deleted on my end to ensure I have enough space for others.

Please know, that there are no questions that are off limits, whether you are seeking insight about relationships, career, a departed loved one, or what Starseed Collective you are most aligned with, I am here for it all. So, set some time aside, in a peaceful space, where you can really soak in the messages Spirit has to offer. 

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